Thursday, April 21, 2011


Too many times, model Chevies come in only the ’55-57 variety when you may have a hankering for something older and stronger. I was ambushed at a model show with an elaborate screenplay idea of Emil’s that included he and I in similar vintage Chivs set in a futuristic Skyway that was being overshadowed by an evil force. Emil said it was an actual nightmare that came to him like a vision. My girl overheard the entire elaborate plotline and calmly asked “so he’s one of the model guys you know?”
For some reason I headed back to Skyway and ended up getting this molded-in-black Monogram ’39 that is the closest I could get to the cars in the nightmare.
I’ve lowered the suspension and it is sitting on some dirty vintage Johan whitewalls for added grit. Stay tuned for final paint and assembly-

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